What is God's Eternity? | Episode 1108 | Closer To Truth Closer To Truth 26:47 4 years ago 60 507 Далее Скачать
Faith, Reason, and the Knowledge of God - Greg Ganssle and Troy Cross at Reed College The Veritas Forum 1:07:20 10 years ago 2 749 Далее Скачать
Afterlife: What is Eternity? (100 Sec) Rabbi David Genish DropsOfLight 1:49 7 years ago 295 Далее Скачать
Eternity - Understanding Eternity from God's perspective Revelation TV 3:56 8 years ago 12 915 Далее Скачать
Why Can't The Universe Be Eternal Just As God Is Eternal? Cross Examined 2:39 6 years ago 90 919 Далее Скачать
Dr. Greg Ganssle: What Are They Waiting For? [Talbot Chapel] Biola University 27:46 5 years ago 768 Далее Скачать